Monday, February 28, 2011

Il Quadroportico

Studying in Rome is, indeed, a challenging endeavor. That's why during break time in between periods, I never fail to say a little prayer while taking a glance at an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the big indoor space of the Pontifical Gregorian University called "quadroportico". 

For more than a month, I was contemplating on the image while uttering the words "Mama Mary, guide me in my studies".  Everyday, I pray  "Mama Mary, guide me in my studies".  I am confident that she is on my side.

One time, I went down to look closely at the image. Ooops, sorry, it is an image of Jesus not Mama Mary. Yeah, yeah, I should've known that since I am in an institution run by the Jesuits, the Society of Jesus. All the while I thought, it was her. 

In my heart, I laughed yet I don't feel any guilt because I know Jesus would not even mind such mistaken identity.  However, I cannot stop thinking that Jesus might have laughed at me! And so are you...hehehe!


  1. I laughed because I use to bring my class in front of a Black Madonna to pray the Rosary. One day, I mentioned this to a fellow teacher. She asked "What Black Madonna?" I brought her to it. She laughed and laughed. The statue wasn't a Black Madonna. It was St. Martin de Porres.
    You might find my response even funnier. "Why is he wearing a dress?"

  2. I like such awesome reviews! Wish you lot's inspiration and luck!


God bless you!

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