Holy Hugot
The original meaning of the word “hugot” is to draw or to pull out. Its use in social media as “#hugot” became popular and is usually associated with song lyrics, a quote, etc. that the person tweeting can relate to. "Hugot" connotes a potentially and personally deep sentimental or emotional undertones. Because feelings come from "deep within" so one may have pulled it out ("hugot") and actually blurt them out in an emotional fashion, subconsciously or otherwise.
The Liturgy of the Hours (often referred to as the Breviary) is the official set of prayers marking the hours of each day and sanctifying the day with prayer. It consists primarily of psalms supplemented by hymns, readings and other prayers and antiphons. Together with the Mass, it constitutes the official public prayer life of the Church.
Come to think of it, these psalms are the "hugot" of the psalmists. There are psalms of grief, of joy, of anguish, of praise, of thanksgiving and basically all emotions. Sometimes, when we pray the Liturgy of the Hours, our personal "hugot" jives with the psalmist.
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